Friday, April 24, 2009

Culinary Aspirations

With installation finished here at work and Roger working all weekend, I'm hoping to clear the cobwebs out of the oven.

Top Five Projects:

1. Empanadas. R has such a love for these Argentinian treats. I know I can never make them as good as the memory of his grandmother's empanadas, but I can try.

2. Apple Pancakes. Need I say more? Yes, I do. These would be awesome with some brown sugar whipped cream.

3. Milk braised Chicken with Lemon, Cinnamon & Sage. This sounds/looks absolutely mouth-watering. And who doesn't love a roast chicken?

4. Key Lime Bars. From one of my favorite Hawaiian blogger chefs. (Because there is a vast number of Hawaiian blogger chefs out there. Actually, you would be surprised.) Anyway, I'm a sucker for Key Lime Pie. But with a Hawaiian twist? I'm sold. 

5. Jello Shots. Just Kidding! After last night, the last thing that sounds appetizing to me is a recipe for "How to get drunk. Fast!"
Recipe: Jello Shots

Real #5. Mongolian Beef. I need to use the stockpile of beef that is taking residence in my freezer. And It would be awesome if I could use it for homemade Chinese food.

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